Thursday, 30 August 2012

Eamcet 2012 counselling Procedure  for Engineering-Eamcet 2012 Web counselling procedure:
Eamcet counselling Procedure 2012 for Engineering involved few steps to follow carefully in web counselling.After getting the Certificates verification,based on the Rank wise dates,candidates need to select the college and branch in online mode at Home/Internet cafe/Help line centers.
Follow first 8 steps in Eamcet web counselling 2012 and last 2 steps only for candidates,who did not satisfy with selected college & branch.They can participate for next counselling that is Eamcet 2012 second counselling 2012.
10 Important steps for Engineering counselling:
1.Candidate Registration for Certificate verification
2.Verification of Certificates
3.Instructions for Exercising Options
4.Preparation at home for exercising options
5.Procedure to be followed for eamcet web counselling 2012 to exercising options on web/Internet
6.Final Seat Allotment
7.Payment of Fees
8.Reporting at College
9.Participating in Next Phase of Counseling(i.e Wait for  Eamcet second/third counselling 2012 notification)
10.Process of Withdrawal.
Step by Step procedure for Eamcet counselling 2012 with explanation:
Step 1:Candidate Registration for Certificate verification:
a.Attend for Certificates verification at any of Help line centers.If you want to know the help line centers go through to find your nearest certificates verification centers at

b.Wait for call from officials to certificates verification as per the rank at registration hall.
c.Once,your rank called pay the processing fee & obtain receipt and provide mobile number correctly.The processing fee is 600 rupees for OC/BC and 300 rupees for SC/ST Candidates.
d.get/take/Collect the Registration-Cum-Verification form from computer operator at Registration counter
e.Collect the Scrach card(This is very important to enter select the options through web counselling)
f.Enter the Eamcet hall ticket number and Rank details along with signature
g.wait in the registration hall for announcement.After getting the announcement, report at Verification counter for certificate verification.
Step 2: Certificates verification
a.Check the below listed details carefully in Registration-Cum-Verification form
Local area,
Special Reservation category,
date of birth,
Scratch Card Number,
Mobile Number,
Fee Reimbursement Etc
b.If you belong to Reserved categories like  SC/ST/BC/Muslim minority submit the original Caste Certificate to to Caste Verification officer.
c.Get verify your Rank Card, Hall ticket, Marks memo, Study certificate, income certificate at Certificate verification officer.
d.Finally you need to go through counselling hall to exercise options.
Step 3: Instructions for Exercising Options
a.Here you are going to select the college and branch through web
b.Officer will explain you Eamcet 2012 web counselling procedure clearly to select the college and branch as per the priority options and to fill the Manual option form
c.If you don’t know about list of   College codes and colleges in district wise,collect the booklet/manual from officer,which contains the full data like colleges, courses and their codes, courses offered and course codes.
Step 4:Preparation at home for exercising options
a.This is very important work,before selection of college and branch
b.Students must know the top engineering colleges in Andhra pradesh and Hyderabad.Also collect the district wise top engineering colleges data
c.Discuss with Friends and Parents to select the best college as per the local area and eamcet  rank
d.Eamcet 2012 Final seat allotment will be based on the Eamcet Rank, Local Area, Gender and  reservation category.So make sure that don’t select the unnecessary options.
e.selecting the options totally in your hand.Always give first preference to top college and liked branch.
here,if you not get seat in JNTU Hyderabad campus,system will check for your most next option of Osmania University college of Engineering.So it’s clear the give the options in sequence.
f.Candidate requested  to don’t enter options for which college/branch not interested to join.
Step 5:Procedure to be followed for eamcet web counselling 2012 to exercising options on web/Internet
Eamcet Web counselling procedure 2012 for Engineering,the steps have to follow at home/Internet centers